We are very happy to announce that the good people at Simon & Schuster have not only sent Loaded Questions a copy of Phillipa Gregory's new book The Red Queen
Here are the details:
- The giveaway is FREE to our devoted readers and new converts.
- Entering is easy, simply leave a comment on this post with a short note ... maybe what you like about LQ or the book that you're currently reading.
- Our readers will have one week to post their reply, ensuring their entry in the giveaway. All entries must be received by August 6th at midnight. Please take care to include contact information in your comment/entry so that we may successfully contact the winner of the prize in a timely manner. (Sounds like common sense, right? You'd be surprised.)
- The winner will be announced Monday, August 9th at Loaded Questions and via a private email to the winner no later that 5pm PST. In order to select the winner of our Phillipa Gregory The Red Queen Giveaway in the most equitable manner we will use the Random Integer Generator at Random.org.
- Loaded Questions Staff
Want More Info on Philippa Gregory
and her new novel, The Red Queen?
We've got a rundown on the new book, a recommendation from Publisher's Weekly, the book's cover description and a video of Gregory herself reading from the new novel!
Publisher's Weekly Writes: Nobody does the Tudors better than Gregory (The Other Boleyn Girl
Want more info? Watch the video below to see bestselling author Philippa Gregory read from The Red Queen
From the book cover of The Red Queen
by Philippa Gregory:
Heiress to the red rose of Lancaster, Margaret Beaufort never surrenders her belief that her house is the true ruler of England and that she has a great destiny before her. Her ambitions are disappointed when her sainted cousin Henry VI fails to recognize her as a kindred spirit, and she is even more dismayed when he sinks into madness. Her mother mocks her plans, revealing that Margaret will always be burdened with the reputation of her father, one of the most famously incompetent English commanders in France. But worst of all for Margaret is when she discovers that her mother is sending her to a loveless marriage in remote Wales.
Married to a man twice her age, quickly widowed, and a mother at only fourteen, Margaret is determined to turn her lonely life into a triumph. She sets her heart on putting her son on the throne of England regardless of the cost to herself, to England, and even to the little boy. Disregarding rival heirs and the overwhelming power of the York dynasty, she names him Henry, like the king; sends him into exile; and pledges him in marriage to her enemy Elizabeth of York's daughter. As the political tides constantly move and shift, Margaret charts her own way through another loveless marriage, treacherous alliances, and secret plots. She feigns loyalty to the usurper Richard III and even carries his wife's train at her coronation.
Widowed a second time, Margaret marries the ruthless, deceitful Thomas, Lord Stanley, and her fate stands on the knife edge of his will. Gambling her life that he will support her, she then masterminds one of the greatest rebellions of the time—all the while knowing that her son has grown to manhood, recruited an army, and now waits for his opportunity to win the greatest prize.
In a novel of conspiracy, passion, and coldhearted ambition, number one bestselling author Philippa Gregory has brought to life the story of a proud and determined woman who believes that she alone is destined, by her piety and lineage, to shape the course of history.
Absolutely loved the white queen. Was really impressed with Phillippa's tudor series and wasn't sure if i'd like her newest book as much, but couldn't put it down, Phillippa never fails to captivate you into the lives of the caracters, looking forward to the red queen coming out, just in time for me to take on my honeymoon with me.
Thanks for entering Janet!
I've never really liked Margaret Beaufort, but readily admit she would be an interesting person to learn more about. Thanks for the giveaway.
I'm so glad to see Loaded Questions back!
I'd love to read more about Margaret Beaufort, as she was quite a powerful women in her time. She "wrote the book" on many of the rituals of the royal court, including the confinement of queens for childbirth. She was said to be a pious woman, but one who had her ear to all the intrigue and goings on at court.
nellista (at) yahoo (dot) com (dot) au
Having just finished reading The White Queen I really enjoyed looking at the historical period from a female point of view. I am particularly looking forward to the Red Queen to see the female influence on another male dominated period.
Great! Thank you Linda, Amanda, and ValB for your comments/entrees in the giveaway.
If any of you would like to share information about this giveaway at your prospective sites or among friends please do feel free to do so!
I'm reading The White Queen now so it would be great to read the second book too. And I haven't read much about Margaret Beaufort before.
Please enter me if this is international!
Have read multiple books of Phillipa Gregory's over the years and am always excited when a new one comes out. Even suggested her books to book club friends -- So glad Loaded Questions is back, too! dmdavidso@hotmail.com
I have never read a book by Phillipa Gregory but The Red Queen looks very interesting.
mce1011 AT aol DOT com
Looking forward to reading these. Heard a great interview w/ the author on NPR. Enjoying your interviews.
I'm currently reading a book by Tom Holt, but I plan to read The Other Boleyn Girl next.
spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com
I've read some of Ms. Gregory's works and enjoyed them.
Thanks for the giveaway.
kaiminani at gmail.com
I'd love to read this book. I'm a huge fan of 'Wideacre.' Beatrice is the best anti-heroine ever!
tradingaddress at gmail dot com
I just found your site today - and what a wonderful place it is! I have looked back at previous posts and found them very interesting - they definitely added a few books to my wishlist. I will be following you closely from now on. Please enter me in your giveaway for The Red Queen. Thanks for such a great and informative site.
tmrtini at gmail dot com
I'm currently reading The Birth of Venus by Sarah Dunant. Thank you for the giveaway!
I'm visiting for the first time. I like the selection of books here. =)
tiredwkids at live dot com
I'm a long-time Phillipa Gregory fan--would love to win a copy of her latest!
I have just found your blog and have joined as a Follower via GFC.
I am waiting on a copy of the White Queen from a friend and looking forward to reading it and it would be great if i could get my hands on The Red Queen !
If the giveaway is open worldwide, then please enter me.
Thank you.
Carol T
buddytho {at} gmail DOT com
I have loved all of Phillipa Gregory's books and am looking forward to reading the Red Queen.
I am a new email subscriber and love P.G's novels. Currently I am re-reading Flowers in the Attic.
I was very excited to see that Phillipa Gregory had a new book out. I am anxious to read it, as I have enjoyed all of the previous books I have read of hers, and I believe I have read every single one!!
Was really impressed with Phillippa's tudor series and wasn't sure if i'd like her newest book as much, but couldn't put it down, Phillippa never fails to captivate you into the lives of the caracters
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I was very excited to see that Phillipa Gregory had a new book out. I am anxious to read it, as I have enjoyed all of the previous books I have read of hers, and I believe I have read every single one!!
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Keto Slim Max You can eat larger portions of low-calorie, high nutrient-dense foods resulting in feeling fuller while releasing unhealthy weight. She reminds us to live in the moment and make the time for regular physical and mental self-care. The concept behind Health is a gift for people who like to keep their data organized. 3. Eat Foods and Don't Deprive On your own With the help of health and fitness articles, consider your lose fat diet plan doesn't imply you need to prevent consuming. For decades, life expectancy increased based on public health measures people now take for granted, Gindi said—modern sewers, clean water, vaccines.When you approach a plant-based eating protocol as a lifestyle change, and not as a diet, excess weight begins to drop off. Prawda jest taka, ze czesc osób w sluzbie zdrowia ogóle nie zasluguje na pensje, ale na zadna ewaluacje czy oceny pracowników zwiazki sie nie zgadzaja - bo wiedza, ze ci kiepscy by odpadli a ci dobrzy dostali podwyzki. Ohio University College of Health Sciences and Professions Dean Randy Leite shared that the University is doing its part to train the nation's next generation of mental health professionals.Biomedical: all aspects of health, physical and mental, developed within the human body as influenced by genetic make-up. As well, 20 percent of mothers were at risk for depression at the time of their child's diagnosis and at each follow-up assessment. Team members met regularly to review the multiple streams of data for each patient, and this continuous access to information and engagement with patients enabled them to pinpoint health risks and take preventive action. The study, The Health Status of Community-Dwelling Older Adults in Manitoba, used the Manitoba Population Research Data Repository at MCHP to examine the de-identified anonymous health records of seniors in three age groups: 65-74, 75-84 and 85-plus.
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