That email leads us to today in which I unveil the newest Loaded Questions giveaway. Love him or hate him, take him or leave him there's really no way to argue against the fact that James Frey's debut book A Million Little Pieces changed the face of publishing, the genre known as the memoir and the very relationship between the the author and the reader. Enough said.
Now we turn our attention to a new novel, Bright Shiny Morning which is perhaps a reinvention, in which the author adopts a cast of characters who are all at once lost, confused and struggling -- grasping at creating lives for themselves in the city of Los Angeles. The novel's online synopsis lays each of the characters out clearly: a bright, ambitious young Mexican-American woman who allows her future to be undone by a moment of searing humiliation; a supremely narcissistic action-movie star whose passion for the unattainable object of his affection nearly destroys him; a couple, both nineteen years old, who flee their suffocating hometown and struggle to survive on the fringes of the great city; and an aging Venice Beach alcoholic whose life is turned upside down when a meth-addled teenage girl shows up half-dead outside the restroom he calls home. Each with their own dramatic narrative, these characters appear and disappear from the novel's canvas, moving in and out of the reader's view.
I found myself genuinely interested in this book, in finding out more about Frey's style and for that reason am happy to present it as our next Loaded Questions Giveaway.

Contest Details: Getting yourself entered in the giveaway is easy! There are two ways:
Option 1. See the box in the left margin of the blog? It says "Subscribe to Loaded Questions with Kelly Hewitt". This is a great way to receive email updates whenever new posts are made to Loaded Questions. Enter your email address in order to sign yourself up for the service. You will receive an email verifying you request to be signed up. It's as easy as that. Once you have signed up, your email address will automatically entered in the contest! Already signed up this way for a previous contest? Read Option #2.
Option 2. Reply to this thread. This is an easy option, click the reply button and write a little something -- introduce yourself, share your favorite author or book with the rest of us, anything will do. Once you have written a reply and provided your email you are entered in the contest! This is also the best option to enter in the contest for those of you who have already signed up for the email list in the past.
Note: Those who are frequent readers are encouraged to continue to sign up for Loaded Questions giveaways! If you have entered one of our giveaways before you must do one of the above listed in order to be re-entered for the Bright Shiny Morning Giveaway.

I read A MILLION LITTLE PIECES (once before the scandal broke and once after) and MY FRIEND LEONARD. I would love to win a copy of his new book!
It will be very interesting to see how this book is received in the publishing world. I read both A Million Little Pieces and My Friend Leonard and liked them both (before the scandal).
Now that this one is fiction we will have to see how it goes!
This sounds like a really interesting book, especially how it will be received - I'd love a chance to win!
skrishna1183 [at] yahoo [dot] com
I'm yet to read any of these books but have been meaning to. I do own a copy of a million little pieces but haven't gotten around to it. If I win this one, I promise I'll read it! Thanks for the chance!
Hello, I was a little shocked when I opened your email and saw James Frey on the page. Just because of the controversy he created, doesn't mean he can't write! Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks,Cindi
This sounds intriguing! I would love to read this. Thanks!!
bunnybox9 [at] gmail dot com
I'd love to win this book. I usually post a book reveiw every Wednesday on my blog and of course would post about this one.
I love reading A Million Little Pieces. :)
Well, Bright Shiny Morning sounds like a good read. Please include my name in the drawing of this book.
I'm also subscribed to this blog's feed.
Congrats on the feature about your blog. It is a good one. I would love to be entered to win. Thanks Cheryl
James was kind enough to promote the giveaway of my own "Mistress of the Revolution, so count me in, Kelly!
I also would like to see how this book is perceived in the literary world. Please enter me into this giveaway. Thanks! lkubitz60609@yahoo.com.
I just read "A Million Little Pieces" a few months ago (had it on my bookshelf for awhile, but wanted to wait for the hubbub to pass so I could give it a fresh chance) and thought it was great.
Thanks for hosting this contest!!
I loved both A million little pieces, and My friend leonard! Both books were inspiring to me, and it doesn't matter to me that there was a controversy behind it. Honestly James Frey is my favorite author, and i can't wait to read Bright Shiny Morning!
I have been eagerly awaiting this book for months and months. I am actually an avid reader of James Frey's blog and that is how I discovered this one several months ago. :) To be perfectly honest, after finishing 4 years of university, reading nothing but text books day in and out, I had no urge to read anything.. until I picked up A Million Little Pieces! That book changed my life. I picked up My Friend Leonard right after finishing AMLP and did not put it down until I finished (2 days later). I really cannot thank James Frey enough for reinstating my love of reading and would definitely love to win a copy of his new work! :)
Anything will do? My name is Caleb and I live in a town not too far outside Atlanta. I go to a private school in Kennesaw. I've read "My Friend Leonard", and am upset James Frey isn't coming to Atlanta. Haven't gotten his novel, but would like to get into it. I like to write, and working on printing some of my stories in my own zines. Reading Dave Eggers' memior right now. It's OK. My favorite writer? Kurt Vonnegut. This last Friday I bought the new Death Cab For Cutie record and when I opened it I found a flyer promoting that thje album would be released on vinyl in September. Now I'm really upset. Want to know my secret? I hate the internet.
PS Sorry did not indicate from comment above but I'd like to be entered in the James Frey give-away. Calbchrd@yahoo.com
James Frey is one of my favorite authors. Can't wait to read the new book.
Giveaway, please. :)
I'm excited about this book!
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